However extreme cases have evident since the Little Rock Nine in 1957. As technology has advanced so have the extreme cases. An example and comparison of these advances in violence are the Rodney King case and the Freddie Gray case. In 1991 Rodney King was beaten and arrested by police. The police involved were put on trial and acquitted causing all of downtown LA to revolt and riot. The rage filled riot went on for hours and eventually ended. The more extreme version of this is the hospitalization and death of Freddie Gray. Gray's death created a riot greater than LA Riots in 1992. The Baltimore riots lasted a total of two and a half weeks causing damage to the city and the grieving family.
The real question is, why is racism still ignored?
My opinion is that really hasn't been a racial tipping point. Sure there was been desegregation and the right to vote in the 60s. There still hasn't been a recognization of full equality. The recent hashtag Black Lives Matters only considered one race. This then opened it up to All Lives Matter. Which is absolutely right all lives matter and not just what is seen in major media. Racism to me comes down to consideration of other races other than your own. Without factoring consideration there we as a society with continue being content on having racial tunnel vision
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