Thursday, October 22, 2015

OTM: Playboy Covers Up

This week OTM discussed that starting March 2016 Playboy will no longer have nude spreads.

Physical: Since the beginning of the publication there has been fully nude spreads. 

Psychological: The thought has always been that sex sells, and so far this has been proven true. However recently there has been an increase in sales for publications that aren't as a revealing.

Temporal: Playboy has been leaning toward "No-Nude" for a while now. In 2013 they went "No-Nude" on their website. This transition was only a matter of time. 

Cultural: There has been the argument of whether Playboy is misoginistic or empowering toward women. 

Social: We as a society can find sex as a taboo and capital commodity at the same time. 

When Playboy's website stopped showing their nude spreads their online business quadrupled. Seeing as their sales have gone from 5.6 million dollars in 1975 to 800,000 in 2014.

European countries don't really have to sell sex but to just embrace it. Playboy has done a decent job of embracing sex and celebrating the human body. With Playboy removing all nude spreads is not as shocking as it may seem. It isn't so much censorship but an evolution of sex. This evolution is one that is way behind culturally than in Europe. So in short this transition is for the best.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Climate Change 1.0

    Climate change is nothing new. The plant has been heating up since the beginning of time. However, the more we use our natural resources the faster the planet heats up.  

    There is also a hidden market that comes with climate changes and natural disasters. By this I mean there are multiple movies, tv stations, specials, and foundations that are supposed to bring awareness but only capitalize the issue. 

    I'm not saying the helping is hopeless but the same Reuse-Reduce-Recycle campaign has been used since the 80s. Nothing positive has happened in fact the planet has gotten worse. There has to be a better more effective solution than just making a movie about saving the planet. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Religion 3.0

    Religion is, according to Merriam-Webster, the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. In 2015 religious belief has become more about mine is better than yours and iconic figures.

   Within these past two months there have been different types of religious conviction shown. The first was Kim Davis, a Kentucky clerk, denying marriage licenses to all couples. Davis did this because she felt so strongly that gay couples shouldn't marry and until there is a change no one should marry. The second was when the Pope visited United States. Most people were tuned in  and supportive on what he said. That was until both the Pope and Davis met.

   These two meeting caused some conversation but at the end of the day it shouldn't have. There are bigger problems in the world than the Pope telling Davis not to lose hope and not to give up. Religion shouldn't be about public figures and which one is better. Your belief should be just that your belief.

    Religion used to be about belief that there is a higher power and faith that someone is listening. Now it's either about keeping up with the joneses or who is better than the other. Part of the problem is that there underlying stereotypes for each religion. Religion should never be pointing out the others flaw and using it to your advantage. It should be about acceptance.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

OTM: Understanding Abortion Polling

This week On the Media discussed abortion polling and what should be analyzed.

Physical: There have been videos released on how Planned Parenthood does abortion and what they do with the bodies. This has fueled debates between politicians and the public.

Temporal: Planned Parenthood has been in the media not only for the videos but because their funding might be cut off for a year. The timing of abortion polling couldn't have come at a better time with all the political debates.

Psychological: According to past studies, 49% of people are for abortion and 48% are against it. Their reasoning is not formed off of anything but their own personal beliefs.

Social: When the study was looked at again they asked about cost, circumstances, and support. That changed the view an opinion of the 48%.

Cultural: When Roe v. Wade was decided it was never fully understood by some. If there isn't a full understanding than you can't make a concise decision.

John Bayner announced that at the end of October he will be quitting congress. He claims it is to keep leads hip equal, but with the voting of funding for Planned Parenthood coming up you makes you think other wise. People have made their decision about abortion based on personal opinions and belierfs. Which insane because there are multiple aspect to abortion. If you don't know the full argument you make a concise decision.