Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Religion 3.0

    Religion is, according to Merriam-Webster, the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. In 2015 religious belief has become more about mine is better than yours and iconic figures.

   Within these past two months there have been different types of religious conviction shown. The first was Kim Davis, a Kentucky clerk, denying marriage licenses to all couples. Davis did this because she felt so strongly that gay couples shouldn't marry and until there is a change no one should marry. The second was when the Pope visited United States. Most people were tuned in  and supportive on what he said. That was until both the Pope and Davis met.

   These two meeting caused some conversation but at the end of the day it shouldn't have. There are bigger problems in the world than the Pope telling Davis not to lose hope and not to give up. Religion shouldn't be about public figures and which one is better. Your belief should be just that your belief.

    Religion used to be about belief that there is a higher power and faith that someone is listening. Now it's either about keeping up with the joneses or who is better than the other. Part of the problem is that there underlying stereotypes for each religion. Religion should never be pointing out the others flaw and using it to your advantage. It should be about acceptance.


  1. I totally agree because people have altered and changed religion so much lately that its' crazy,and as far as the pope I cant stand him.

    1. How Christian of you. Is not your disdain for the Pope the antithesis to Christ's admonitions?

  2. I totally agree because people have altered and changed religion so much lately that its' crazy,and as far as the pope I cant stand him.

  3. Hello Elizabeth, I really liked what you had to say about religion. From what I've seen is that some people today use religion as a means to try to disprove others or justify their own actions instead of what a religion is really about such as acceptance. And on the other hand there are those who feel like they need to attack or disprove religions, this might be contributed to the argument of how we are being coddled and everyone becoming so easily offended at anyone or anything. Its almost funny to think that if everyone got so offended that they'ed be more likely to be more courteous to others instead of telling them they are wrong for what they believe in.

  4. Probably ought to research the Pope/Davis "meeting." It's not at all what you've intimated here. Go to the source.
