Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Democracy 2.0

    When the founding fathers were creating the structure of the country they feared it becoming a monarchy. So with infulences from philosophers such as John Locke, they decided on a democratic republic. Fast forward to 2015, would the founding fathers recognize the government they created?

    Democracy is a form of government for the people by the people. However, voter turnout is at an all time low. How is this possible when there are so many social media outlets covering the election?

    The founding fathers would be able to see that what they intended has been chopped into bits and pieces. Some don't want to get involved because they feel that is useless. Then there are those use their voice and power for all the wrong reasons. 

    Take for example those who fear electoral college votes. They feel that the government is making their decision for them. Another example would be someone like Kim Davis who will make opinions and actions no matter the law or consequence.

    When the government was first being formed there was the intent for there to be a middle ground of voice, action, and opinion. Now there is constant arguing within the branches and with the people. A lot of this is due to social media outlets.  The news is too bias and the other outlets such as Facebook mainly use meme and satire and is never taken seriously. 

    To fix this has to start with the people caring about what is going. There has to be an investigation on both sides of any argument. This will then help form a well thought out opinion. Creating less fear and more care to vote. Also more voices can be heard. 

    The government will never be exactly like it was over 200 years ago. It will adapt to the public and it participation. With a more informed public there will be a middle ground. This will than be a start to better government.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

OTM: Debunking Migration Memes

This week On The Media discussed the growing issue of migrant refugees and how they are now becoming memes to either be taken as a joke or to strike fear.

Physical:With more and more refugees coming to European countries the question of their sincerity come up in a lot of  concerned right politicians. They use these memes as a propaganda to get the public to be afraid of refugees and the "true" threat they have.

Psychological: Refugees who migrate to another country do hold a threat that this is just a way to get inside and create a terrorist attack. The other fear is that refugees use up most of the countries free resources creating more economic issues.

Cultural: When European countries opened up to help refugees was for just that to help. Thanks to social media memes there has been a non-stop, underlying joke. This "joking" creates another form of discrimination.

Social: When someone needs and wants help it is not to mooch but to better themselves. The European refugees who have now sought help are being ridiculed because of where they are originated by both the public and the right politicians.

Temporal: Within the past two years there has been an impressive increase in amount of refugees in Europe. The increase has scared some to want to scare others by taking what they think is a satirical approach.

When you ask for help you don't expect to be judged, but in the case of many refugees they are being judged by scared citizens and politicians. The facts are that those who use the system more are citizens themselves, and right politicians who just want things to be "safe" their way seem to forget they can still be attacked with out inside help. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Well Informed 2.0: Learning 2.0: A Flawed System

To anyone who takes a quick glance at the current school system it would look like there is something wrong. You are prepped and groomed to take and pass standardized test for grades K-12. If you test well then you "qualify" for higher education. The problem is that your "qualifications" mean squat because there are no standardized test past 12th grade. I would know I just graduate high school a little over a year ago from one of the worst school districts in the country.

Most school districts use the system of standardized test such as CRTs and Proficiencies. You can be an honor student with the best credentials but if you score low or fail a standardized test you are not proficient and are held back.

High school graduates are becoming a very small percentage of people. Many students find it hard to focus on something they are never going to use again. It is easier to focus on smart phone distractions. 

Where you live and go to school has an impact on what make important to students. A good example of this is the Clark County School District. Ranking number 50 on the education list. However a high percentage of high school dropouts are to get high paying jobs such as hotel vallets. As well as UNLV has one of the highest hotel management and hospitality programs in the country. Why because this is what is in demand to sustain the states economy.

Learning should not just be about passing a test or obtaining a specific job. It should to better yourself and to challenge your mind. Until that is understood education is doomed to continue to decline. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

On The Media: There Oughta Be A Law

This week OTM discussed how the Kim Davis controversy played a big part in the recent Republican GOP debate. What the majority of candidates were summing up there should be a law separating religion and law. 

Kim Davis, a Kentucky clerk, has denied marriage licenses due to her religious belief on gay marriage. She was arrested and released and Davis says that this is violating her first amendment rights and, she will not issue a marriage license until she feels she is treated equally.

Cultural: The Kim Davis controversy has had a significant effect on the Republican GOP Debate. It created the question of whether Davis was in the wrong of there is no law for conviction.

Physiological: The thought of some nominees was she wasn't wrong for stand up for her religious beliefs and others just said there is no law she isn't wrong.

Social: This created a stir in the Christian, LGBTQ, and political community. Some are in agreement with Davis and others are saying she is completely wrong.

Temporal: The timing of this controversy couldn't be any better. All this started two weeks before the actual debate took place and is still a major topic.

The funny thing is that there is a regulation called Seperation of Church and State. Which, for those nominees who don't know, is to keep religious beliefs and political matters separate. Meaning that yes Kim Davis is in the wrong for not doing her job. If she felt so strongly she should of just resigned. The fact that this was even a question at the debate scares me for what is in store for the actual elections. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Facebook Campaign

URL: www.facebook.com/UniversitxyXY

For my Facebook Campaign I created a page that is to reach both Generation X and Y on current event issuses. This will create an equal platform to given both generations a well informed opinion and not discredit the others opinions. I created this page because my mom and I don't always see eye to eye on issuses such as cell phones. When I researched more into most of Generation X will quickly say that Generation Y is entitled. lazy, inconsiderate etc. Generation Y will quickly dispute it and say that Gen X made us this way. The blame game can't continue on because it blocking any progress to better future for the next generation.

3 Market Personas:
1-Cynthia, a 27 year-old law clerk, wants to be able to express her view of the hashtag Black Lives Matter. She is able to do so on equal platform that is not bias. Cynthia can also get the opinion of her peers and the other generation to make a well informed opinion.
2-Matthew is an 18 year-old college student and he wants to be able to get a well formed opinion of the current economy but his peers only want to blame Generation Y. So before he jumps to any conclusions he goes to University X-Y and gets the opinion of both generations.
3-Chris is a 35 year old father and wants to better understand his twin daughters Michelle and Cassie, age 16, on why their phones are so essential to them. So he reads the articles posted to the page and is able to open the lines of communication to his daughters.  

Thursday, September 10, 2015

On The Media: Further Down the Ashley Madison Spiral (pt. 2)

Ashley Madison, an affair website, has recently had leak in its data and all of their client lists was released. This week On The Media went more in depth on this social spiral.

Cultural: All who accessed the website were leaked revealing who used Ashley Madison since it started. It created reminder that there really isn't any privacy on the internet.

Temporal: This is the second leak within the last year. The first leak, with Apple Cloud, really only dealt with celebrity accounts. 

Social: A lot of marriage were devastated by the leak. This created the debate of whether or not privacy on the internet should be more regulated.

Physical: Men who were there to solicit an affair with an woman were actually talking to Simu-Bots. Those looking for someone of the same sex had a greater chance of talking to an actual person.

When I first heard about the leaked it was definitely intriguing to see was on the leaked contact list. People like Josh Duggar made headlines. The OTM segment also goes in depth the toll the leak had in everyday marriages. 

The part of the segment that resignated with me the most was the whole Bot break down. The website that seems very scummy has a very elequent system: how they accessed the site, what they were looking for and how much did they pay for on the account. 

This algorithm was what insured the affair not the others determination.

As for the issue of internet privacy this is what to expect because there is no privacy on the internet. There is also no way to regulate leaving it as  buyer beware situation.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wellnformed 2.0: Racism 2.0

The Racism 2.0 has been described as racism evolved through technology. It has been subtle within this evolution but within this last there have been more noticeable acts. The most recent was the horrific murders of Allison Parker and Adam Ward. Gunman Vester Lee Flanagan wrote in his suicide note that this was all due to discrimination and profiling of himself and other cases since 2014.

However extreme cases have evident since the Little Rock Nine in 1957. As technology has advanced so have the extreme cases. An example and comparison of these advances in violence are the Rodney King case and the Freddie Gray case. In 1991 Rodney King was beaten and arrested by police. The police involved were put on trial and acquitted causing all of downtown LA to revolt and riot. The rage filled riot went on for hours and eventually ended. The more extreme version of this is the hospitalization and death of Freddie Gray. Gray's death created a riot greater than LA Riots in 1992. The Baltimore riots lasted a total of two and a half weeks causing damage to the city and the grieving family. 

The real question is, why is racism still ignored?

My opinion is that really hasn't been a racial tipping point. Sure there was been desegregation and the right to vote in the 60s. There still hasn't been a recognization of full equality. The recent hashtag Black Lives Matters only considered one race. This then opened it up to All Lives Matter. Which is absolutely right all lives matter and not just what is seen in major media. Racism to me comes down to consideration of other races other than your own. Without factoring consideration there we as a society with continue being content on having racial tunnel vision

Thursday, September 3, 2015

On the Media: The Little Pink Pill

This week On the Media talked about the little blue and its new friend the little pink pill. Female Viagra has just been approved by the FDA. Brooke Gladstone reported on this topic and what was deciphered was truly game changing.

Physical: The little pink pill, or Flibanserin, has been making a big splash from major news to late night talk shows. It is being advertised to help women be their "better self".

Psychological: Filbanserin is to help women who have cannot get sexually aroused and have trouble with completion. This make its different than is blue neighbor Viagra which dealt with unblocking pipes.

Social: With the development and approval of the the pink helper a group called Even the Score has risen. Their whole purpose is do just that and assure that women have the right to enjoy their partner just as much as men do. 

Cultural: Feminist have come out and spoken against the little pink pill. Stating that this is just a way to make women feel bad about themselves. Others against the drug have stated that there will be no way to regulate this and it will be open season for all. 

Temporal: In 2011 Filbaserin began its testing and was approved in 2015. After the proposal being rejected twice by the FDA. When this disorder has been diagnosed and known for years. 

As a feminist I was at first skeptical on the idea of a magical pink that fixes women. After listening to evidence, group trials, and personal stories I am a firm believer that Filbaserin is the drug of the future.
However, there are some who are still against the little pink pill.

Many who are against the pill have said there is no way to regulate the pill such as an age limit. Even the Score and other advocates for Filbaserin has pointed out Viagra has never had any age limit. It has always been take at your risk.

Feminist against this say there is no disorder and is just here to make women feel worse about themselves. How can this be when tens of thousands of women have stated that they in fact have this disorder? This disorder has been known for years and finally being treated. 

At the end of the day everyone deserves to feel good about their sex life. Filbaserin does just that for women. As a society we don't begrudge men for needing help. This little pink pill is just to create a better self.