Thursday, September 3, 2015

On the Media: The Little Pink Pill

This week On the Media talked about the little blue and its new friend the little pink pill. Female Viagra has just been approved by the FDA. Brooke Gladstone reported on this topic and what was deciphered was truly game changing.

Physical: The little pink pill, or Flibanserin, has been making a big splash from major news to late night talk shows. It is being advertised to help women be their "better self".

Psychological: Filbanserin is to help women who have cannot get sexually aroused and have trouble with completion. This make its different than is blue neighbor Viagra which dealt with unblocking pipes.

Social: With the development and approval of the the pink helper a group called Even the Score has risen. Their whole purpose is do just that and assure that women have the right to enjoy their partner just as much as men do. 

Cultural: Feminist have come out and spoken against the little pink pill. Stating that this is just a way to make women feel bad about themselves. Others against the drug have stated that there will be no way to regulate this and it will be open season for all. 

Temporal: In 2011 Filbaserin began its testing and was approved in 2015. After the proposal being rejected twice by the FDA. When this disorder has been diagnosed and known for years. 

As a feminist I was at first skeptical on the idea of a magical pink that fixes women. After listening to evidence, group trials, and personal stories I am a firm believer that Filbaserin is the drug of the future.
However, there are some who are still against the little pink pill.

Many who are against the pill have said there is no way to regulate the pill such as an age limit. Even the Score and other advocates for Filbaserin has pointed out Viagra has never had any age limit. It has always been take at your risk.

Feminist against this say there is no disorder and is just here to make women feel worse about themselves. How can this be when tens of thousands of women have stated that they in fact have this disorder? This disorder has been known for years and finally being treated. 

At the end of the day everyone deserves to feel good about their sex life. Filbaserin does just that for women. As a society we don't begrudge men for needing help. This little pink pill is just to create a better self.

1 comment:

  1. Great contextual analysis! I really like the comments you made here, especially arguing both sides of how might different feminists agree or disagree to the little pink pill. I am surprised they haven't came out with something like this sooner since the pill has been around for men for many years. At the end of it all, it just comes down to a woman's needs and her preference whether she agrees to the pill or not, side effects and all.
